As seen on the homepage, my name is

Ayotunde Martins

I am a 22 years old young product designer and a 5th year student of computer Engineering at the University of Ilorin.

I have no constant location although I stay in Ilorin/Ogbomoso most of the time.

Philosophy Enthusiast and Lifelong Learner

When I am not immersed in the world of design, you can find me delving deep into the works of Plato, Anaxagoras, Descartes and the likes. Philosophy isn't just a hobby; it's a passion that shapes my critical thinking and approach to life. I also explore theology and continuously seek to learn something new, always expanding my horizons.

Music Lover and Quiet Contemplator

In my downtime, I might be playing the keyboard, letting the melodies flow through my fingers, or simply listening to music, allowing it to transport me to different realms. Sometimes, I am caught in the blissful embrace of sleep, recharging for the adventures ahead. Despite being an extrovert who thrives on social interaction, I cherish my quiet moments of solitude, where I can reflect and recharge.

An Extroverted Introvert

While I am undeniably an extrovert, with a love for lively interactions and vibrant company, there are times when I retreat into my own world, unusually quiet and introspective. It's a balance that keeps me grounded, allowing me to appreciate both social gatherings and solitary moments.

A Tight-Knit Circle

I keep my circle small but precious, surrounded by my squad of boys who are like brothers to me. We share dreams of making billions and conquering the world together. Though I have few friends, the bonds we share are unbreakable. Perhaps one day, I will venture out to make new friends again, expanding my social horizon.

The Surprising Chef

One of my most surprising traits is my love for cooking. Whenever I'm on holiday, living with my cousins, I take on the kitchen duties. As the youngest, it’s a role I relish, especially when preparing traditional Nigerian swallow foods. The art of cooking brings me joy and a sense of connection to my roots.

My life is a blend of design, philosophy, music, and culinary adventures. Each day is a new chapter in a story that’s continuously unfolding, filled with unexpected twists and turns. As I navigate my way through the worlds of technology, art, and introspection, I am excited to see where this journey will lead

Slide 1: Work

Slide 2: Potrait

Slide 3: Owanbe Party

Slide 4: Gym

Slide 5: Gym again

Slide 6: Playking Keyboard

In 2022, I fully immersed myself in the world of product design by joining the Zuri cohort for that year. Eager to expand my knowledge, I took several courses from prestigious platforms such as HarvardEdx, Coursera, and Udemy.

Since then, I have had the privilege of working with a variety of companies and organizations, from small startups to mid-sized enterprises. Each collaboration has been a learning experience, and I am proud to say that my work has consistently received positive feedback.

My design philosophy centers on creating user-friendly and highly functional products. Functionality is paramount for me; a design must not only work but also convert effectively. To achieve this, I rigorously apply the principles of Design Thinking throughout my design process. This approach has proven successful, satisfying both users and clients alike.

One of my standout abilities as a designer is my knack for thinking through the entire user interaction process. I strive to make things easier for developers and clients by anticipating and addressing potential issues early on.

I often joke that one day I might wake up and pivot to another role within the tech industry. I believe my youth and passion enable me to explore multiple tech sectors. Currently, I am fascinated by blockchain development, UX engineering, and product management.

I already hold certificates in product management and have taken courses in frontend development. I am open to the idea of evolving into a developer while continuing my journey as a designer.

My journey in product design has been exciting and fulfilling. As I continue to learn and grow, I look forward to exploring new avenues and contributing to the tech industry in diverse ways..


My services can always be employed as I’m always fully on ground to work on amazing and satisfying projects. You can always reach out to me via email or whatsapp. I’ll always respond.

Product design Journey.

Employ my services.